Some Campaigns and Projects

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Creative Director and Then Some
Research, Strategy, Concepting, Copywriting, Script Writing, Creative Direction, Leading Teams (internal & venters)

Stacey Abrams - FairFight Campaign

Why I picked this one

This campaign high stress... in the fun way. Whether or not the campaign succeeded was extremely public, so perhaps it was fun because it was very successful.

The Challenge

Convince Georgians to vote in unprecedented numbers during a pandemic.

My Role

I was the Creative Director and led a team of about 10 people.  It was my job to review research, develop concepts, design and write copy for all creative, direct video shoots and oversee my team through production and final delivery.


In an extremely crowded and highly restricted political space, our campaign exceeded expectations with CPAs under predictions and user shares driving acquisition. And yes! Voter turn out broke an all time record.

PeachVote Thumbnail

Some storyboard examples. Whether it's live action or animation, I almost always design screens for the story and feel.

Hit Start Storyboar

Jaime Harrison for Senate

Why I picked this one

It's bitter sweet because he didn't win, but I received my unofficial degree in Political Science here and enjoyed it. This was my first dip into politics though it felt more like a full plunge. The Harrison campaign shattered fundraising records, so not suprisingly and quantity of content we needed to create was trule incredible.

The Challenge

Unseat SC's Senate incumbent, Lindsey Graham


Why I picked this one

Being food related, this one seemed to make sense to include.

The Challenge:

I was given the logo below by the umbrella company who the brand and asked to give it a facelift.

Ugly Logo
My Answer:


Why I picked this one

This one shows my personality, but more importantly my need to keep busy. I created this game (with my boyfriend, a plumber) during the few weeks I had off inbetween political campaigns.

YAP's a card game that's entrenched in satire and strategy. Based on trending topics, there are no winners. The first person to receive 21 Shame points loses. There are no winners. Yes, politics inspired me.

The Challenge

I didn't want to spend a lot of money printing a game that I was doing for fun, so I launched a Kickstarter to raise $10,000. It succeeded!

Visit YAP's Website >


Why I picked this one

I had a lot of fun working on these. It was for a "startup" recruitment company that focused on placing graduates straight from college.

The Challenge

Campaign series that would speak to fresh graduates, entice them to sign up and spread the word.


"Snackable" video campaigns utlizing humor. I casted inprov comedians as actors, wrote rough scripts and encouraged them to riff. Funny side note, I had broken ribs from a cycling accident during the casting. It was painfully funny.

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